Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday, October 20th

Tell me about your weekend. Share pics

Over the weekend I went down to St. Louis for the Bands of America Super Regional Marching Band Festival. We performed Friday night in the Edward Jones Dome. We had a blast and had the best run the BV band has ever done in St. Louis. After this we went back to the hotel for pizza and cake. Soon we had to be in bed and the directors came in our room to tell us we shouldn't sneak out or do anything stupid.


Long story short, I personally got into a huge argument with 4-5 of out band Staff and my mother got involved on the phone and we were threatened to be kicked out of the band. but with that said I still had an amazing night. They needed to learn to show me some respect and I got to prove them wrong :)

The next day we went back to the dome and watched the bands and had a 4 hour ride home.

Sunday I ended up hanging with my friend Kammi and we went to the Great Mall and that brought some serious memories back... Then Kammi and I went to IHOP and later went to her house to watch a movie. Overall it was one of the best weekends I have had in quite a long time.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday, October 14th

Below is a letter written to the editor who wrote the article 'Enforcement of dress code creates negative effect' that your blogged about last week. Most of you wrote on your blog that you agreed with the writer. What are your thoughts after reading the letter below and seeing a different perspective. Are they the same? Are the different? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself.

I think these point are very valid. The above argument is a good one, and I completely agree that future places will hold much higher expectations for students. With that being said, I still do believe that high school students should have a say in the clothes they wear. Although some of these things are deemed as inappropriate, students, especially girls, should not be treated as children. There is a time when one will have to act professional, and be very uptight about the clothes they wear to their job. but it's not the real world yet in all honesty. Let kids be kids, and leave the administration out of it.

I think there is a bigger reason or picture for why this is occurring but these are girls many years away from bigtime jobs... some more years that others...

I stick with my first opinion that the school shouldn't monitor clothing even if they do for teachers.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday, October 13th

If I had 7 classes to prepare me for my future life I would definitely have classes that teach you long term lessons. 
I would have a Schedule with something like this:
  1. Everything Business - Teaching personal fiances, economics, accounting, and stocks.
  2. Philosophy - explaining how to view your life, how to approach certain things.
  3. Personal Relations - how to effectively work and interact with other others 
  4. Expression - Write papers, read books, write music/poems, anything to learn and express
  5. Computer basics - all applications and office programs taught and mastered
  6. Movie Making - Editing, Audio, Filming, input/output in all areas
  7. Personal skill - Take your number one skill or interest and spend the entire class perfecting that skill and making a unique mastery of that skill or interest.
I believe this would end up helping me prepare for my future the best a high school possibly could. Most of the things we learn in high school we either forget or never use. They are short - term lessons.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, October 7th

The following article was in the September issue of The Tiger Print. Read the article (even if you already have) and respond to it below. What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Consider all perspectives of the article while you respond.

I agree with this article hands down. Teachers and administration have been telling us they would like to treat us as adults since the 6th grade. Why now do teachers this adults control what other "adults" wear to school?

I think that anyone should be able to make their own decisions and wear whatever clothing they would like. Also this issue brings up the fact that this is only directed at females. I think its a little sexist that guys don't have a dress code yet girls are stopped on the daily with comments and "violations" of the dress code.

Although I do agree that it wouldn't be appropriate for girls to dress like strippers when they go to school, I think they shouldn't be worried every day whether or not they get sent home because they show their shoulders. Male students are not going to change and drool over "Dat Shoulder" if a girl wears a slightly more revealing shirt.

High school is supposed to be a place to express yourself right? Then why control the female population.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday, October 6th

Tell me about your weekend! If you don't have anything fun to share, tell me about the city you live in. What do you love about Kansas City? Do you have a favorite place in the city? Favorite team? :) Favorite event? Explain.

Friday was a very chill night. Colby, Connor, and I drove around for an hour or two figuring out what we could actually do with our lives. We found a few girls that Connor knew from school. Because it was cold we thought it would be fun to go have a bondfire on the top of this rock pile we knew. After all said and done, we only had the fire up for about 20 minutes but overall it was a fun night. 

Saturday I accompanied the band To the Blue Springs Marching Festival. We spent the day talking to other bands and running around Blue Springs, then after our performances we placed 3rd overall which is the best we have ever done at that competition. So that was actually a blast.

Sunday I woke up early and spent all day planning revenge on this stupid kid that threatened Colby at his house. Then to cool of I went and talked with Nate Hardy who I hadn't talked to in quite some time. Then I asked if Nate wanted to go to my friends concert at some unknown car. They were actually really good but I got home very late. I ended up staying up until almost 2 in the morning Sunday night. That wasn't that fun.