Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday, October 13th

If I had 7 classes to prepare me for my future life I would definitely have classes that teach you long term lessons. 
I would have a Schedule with something like this:
  1. Everything Business - Teaching personal fiances, economics, accounting, and stocks.
  2. Philosophy - explaining how to view your life, how to approach certain things.
  3. Personal Relations - how to effectively work and interact with other others 
  4. Expression - Write papers, read books, write music/poems, anything to learn and express
  5. Computer basics - all applications and office programs taught and mastered
  6. Movie Making - Editing, Audio, Filming, input/output in all areas
  7. Personal skill - Take your number one skill or interest and spend the entire class perfecting that skill and making a unique mastery of that skill or interest.
I believe this would end up helping me prepare for my future the best a high school possibly could. Most of the things we learn in high school we either forget or never use. They are short - term lessons.

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