Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday, September 2nd

Tell me all about your Labor Day weekend. What did you do? Include photos!

Friday evening of this Labor Day Weekend I went to a Sporting KC Soccer game with my family. It rained a lot so the game got delayed but the sky looked sweet. There was a fight during the game which was really interesting. 

Sporting Kansas City

The next day Saturday was actually a pretty boring day. I hung around the house until dinner time then i went out with some new friends. We went to sonic and McDonald's and most of these new guys wanted to talk about cars. So I wasn't that interested to say the least.

Then Sunday morning I actually decided to be productive and did all my homework before going to the Legends. We met up with some fans at the legends and spent some time with them which was fun! After this Colby decided to go to his friend Billy's house to play computer games for a few hours like we used to do when we were younger. But we decided to leave after about 2 hours to go meet up with Colby's new girlfriends. We hung out with these two girls named Maggie and Ally and danced in the rainstorm. So Sunday was a really fun day. 

Monday I got up and learned a few songs on the guitar and finished my reading for ELA 12. Then the rest of the day was a pretty chill day until I asked my friend Jori to go on a drive. We drove for a few hours and sang songs all night. This was honestly really fun even though we probably looked like idiots.

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